What 2023-24 Medical Forms Should I Submit?

What 2023-24 Medical Forms Should I Submit?
Thank you to all of the Newmark parents who have completed or are in the process of completing their child's 2023-24 School Forms.  After completing the online forms, please check if your child needs any additional Medical Forms.

What Medical Forms Should I Submit?

It will vary based on your child's medical condition.  For example, if your child has allergies and requires an EPI Pen, you'll need to complete three forms: a Medication Release Form, Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Emergency Care Plan and EPI Pen Release. If you are not sure, please contact the Nurse Carroll at 908-753-0330.

Note: All medical forms or other forms can be submitted to: Newmark Main Office, 1000 Cellar Avenue, Scotch Plains, NJ  07076
General Form Questions: 908-753-0330 or forms@newmarkeducation.com
Specific Medical or Health Related Questions: Contact Nurse Carroll at 908-753-0330