PIN Community Connections

Individual Recognition For Achievement

Newmark Education’s Community Connections PIN program provides individual recognition for achievement by Newmark students who demonstrate personal and social growth by participating in a personally meaningful community-based experience. 

Community-based experiences can include the following categories:

  • Community Service

  • Sports

  • Volunteering

  • Music/Performing Arts

  • Clubs (including Scouting)

  • Misc. experiences approved by the Newmark PIN Committee

In addition to personally meaningful experiences, Newmark students are also encouraged to focus on earning PINs for service experiences that benefit others.  Some examples of recent accomplishments of NHS students include: volunteering at a local temple to prepare food for a halfway house, participating in a beach clean-up through Clean Ocean Action and volunteering to help young children learn to swim at the YMCA.
Students earn individual PINs that represent their achievement. Students who earn PINs receive a lanyard on which to keep their PINs and to wear to display their achievements. 


Nomination of a singular activity worthy of achievement must be made by parent, teacher or member of the PIN Committee.  The community leader or coach of the event will be asked (by the student) to complete a Digital Nomination Form to nominate a Newmark student. 


Once the nomination has been approved, the student will receive a special pin commemorating their achievement with a ceremony in their honor. PIN Program ceremonies occur four times per year (once per marking period) at Newmark K-8 School and two times per year (at the awards assemblies) at Newmark High School. The program culminates in an annual breakfast reception for all recipients.

2024-25 School Year: PINS Form Submission Deadlines  

Friday, November 1, 2024
Friday, January 10, 2025
Friday, March 7, 2025
Friday, May 9, 2025

2024-25 School Year: PIN Ceremonies 

K-8 PIN Ceremony #1 - Friday, November 15, 2024
K-8 PIN Ceremony #2 - Friday, January 24, 2025
K-8 PIN Ceremony #3 - Monday, March 24, 2025
K-8 PIN Ceremony #4 - Friday, May 23, 1025
K-8 & NHS PIN End of Year Ceremony and Reception- Friday, June 6, 2025 (parents welcome)


Orange Arrow pointing down

Tips for earning PINs 

  • Bake a treat for a neighbor in need and deliver to them as a surprise.
  • Go through your old clothes and donate what you don’t need anymore. If possible, choose someone you know personally in need or a specific organization.
  • Write a get well card to someone that you know has been sick, or a thank you card/gift for first responders in your town.
  • Write a letter to someone that is alone, it could be a neighbor, a grandparent or anyone you know who has been alone.
  • ​Build a memorial garden for someone you know who has died or for all people who have died from Covid-19.
  • ​Talk to a friend or family member that is sad, discouraged or maybe frightened by recent changes in the world.

For More Information: 

Cathleen M. George, LCSW – Supervisor of Counseling Services, Newmark Education - Tel: 908-753-0330 or


Past PIN Awards