Student Life

Newmark High School offers diverse school programs that include community service activities, assemblies, community-based instructional trips, guest speakers, special events and more:

Newmark High School Commencement Ceremony: Monday, June 17, 2024

Congratulations to the Newmark Class of 2024!



Red, white and blue Register to vote message

Each year we celebrate as our Newmark High School students turn 17 years old!  One new responsibility is to register to vote. View Voter Registration Application.

Males aged 18-25 will also need to Register for Selective Service System



NHS Students - Need A Job?  Get Your Working Papers Online

Working Papers applications are now online at Employers hiring teenagers must register online to receive a unique 8-digit code and share that code with every minor they intend to hire. The potential hire can then visit the website to create an account and start their working papers application, entering the employer's unique code. Caregivers must review the details of the job and provide proof of the minor's age. The NJ Department of Labor will notify the business once the application is approved.